It seems like I have been planning this trip forever, but this summer has also flown by and I can't really believe it's all about to happen very soon! Still getting the bike packed up, making last minute decisions on what to leave or take, and trying to get everything at home straightened out before leaving Friday morning.
I'm excited about the trip, of course, but I'll also be sad to be away from Jill and Riley for so long. Luckily, they have some adventures of their own planned for while I'm away, so that will give me some peace of mind.
I'm going to be a lot more careful than I was last time. For those that may not have read that post, I took a pretty nasty fall and I just know it was mostly because I wasn't paying enough attention to the treacherous terrain. I had to buy oxycodone cod and take it for a while as I recovered. This time I might focus more on where I'm stepping.
For the days with lots of climbing, I added some estimates of the climbing categories (courtesy of - those of you who ride or watch bike races like the Tour de France will be familiar with ratings. Thank goodness, there are no "Hors Categorie" climbs, but there is a rather long category 1 climb on the day we ride over St. Gotthard's Pass - Fluelen to Bellinoza.
Promise me this won’t turn into Harold & Kumar go to Amersterdam…!
Too late for that!!!
Moin, Das ist de facto ein knorke Artikel. Mit Abstand das beste, was ich heutzutage gelesen hab. Weiter so. Mit besten Grüßen!