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- test22
Sunday, December 15, 10:30 am
Baden-Baden is famous for its “curative waters” and its civic history dates to the Romans who built elaborate bath houses here. We visited one of the two large bath houses where there are a variety of large pools ranging in … Continue reading
Business cards are incredibly important for any form of person-to-person networking, and no matter who you are or where you are, a physical card can take the place of a boring, non-personal Facebook or LinkedIn profile, find out more about … Continue reading
Photos have been added for yesterday. We’re in Bellagio now… Link to yesterday’s page.
Photos have been added!
We just got into Heidelberg about an hour ago and I loaded up the pictures from Tuesday. I’ll do yesterday’s sometime later. Guess what? It rained today – big surprise!!
It seems like I have been planning this trip forever, but this summer has also flown by and I can’t really believe it’s all about to happen very soon! Still getting the bike packed up, making last minute decisions on … Continue reading
Social media marketing on Facebook is on the rise. Despite pretty much being the birthplace of social media marketing, Facebook has retained its spot as a top contender, with more daily visitors than any other social media platform. With over … Continue reading
When you graduate with student loan debt, you’ll find several different repayment options to choose from, all from different websites like SoFi. For more information on the different loan repayment options, including the student loan payoff plan (PLP), the income-based … Continue reading